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Electric Power Reliability

Blog Posts

(in)Dependence Day 2022 - ORIGINAL CONTENT
  • 7/1/22 at 7:00 AM
  • Energy Policy,Climate Change
  • Ed Reid

Energy independence has been an aspirational goal of the US for decades. However, the US actually achieved that goal in the period from 2017-2020 as the result of the application of US ingenuity and the encouragement of a supportive federal...

  • 1/31/23 at 7:00 AM
  • Energy Policy,Climate Change
  • Ed Reid

Electric grids have demonstrated the ability to adapt to some fraction of intermittent renewable generation, as long as there is sufficient dispatchable generation available to meet contemporaneous grid demand when the intermittent ...

All-Electric Storage - ORIGINAL CONTENT
  • 4/30/24 at 6:00 AM
  • Energy Policy,Climate Change
  • Ed Reid

The US Administration has established a goal of transitioning all energy end uses in the economy to electric end uses by 2050. This would be a massive undertaking, requiring the application of currently non-existent technology, particularly...

Dispatchable Wind & Solar - ORIGINAL CONTENT
  • 4/11/23 at 7:00 AM
  • Energy Policy,Climate Change
  • Ed Reid

Electricity demand fluctuates continuously, over a range of 2.5-3 to one. Electric utility operators control the output of numerous generation resources over their acceptable range of operation to match the contemporaneous demand of the ...

Full Disclosure - System - ORIGINAL CONTENT
  • 7/5/22 at 7:00 AM
  • Energy Policy,Climate Change
  • Ed Reid

The fossil-free, all-electric everything grid envisioned to avoid catastrophic anthropogenic climate change would be a very different grid from that which serves the US today. The fossil-free grid would still include the non-fossil ...

  • 1/24/23 at 7:00 AM
  • Energy Policy,Climate Change
  • Ed Reid


"The Navy is a master plan designed by geniuses for execution by idiots."    Herman Wouk, The Caine Mutiny

It currently appears that the Administration’s vision of the future US electric grid, supplied ...

Grid Load Shaping - ORIGINAL CONTENT
  • 8/13/24 at 6:00 AM
  • Energy Policy,Climate Change
  • Ed Reid

The US electric utility grid has typically operated at a load factor of approximately 40% of peak demand. US utility scale generating capacity in 2023 was 1,141 GW, of which 341 GW were renewable generation. The nominal annual potential ...

Grid Reliability - ORIGINAL CONTENT
  • 9/20/22 at 7:00 AM
  • Energy Policy,Climate Change
  • Ed Reid

The reliability of the electric utility grid depends upon the availability of generation output equal to grid demand at all times. Historically, this has been accomplished by operating numerous generators at somewhat below full capacity, so...

History in Real-Time - ORIGINAL CONTENT
  • 10/25/22 at 7:00 AM
  • Energy Policy,Climate Change
  • Ed Reid


“Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it.”
George Santayana

“Those that fail to learn from history are doomed to repeat it.”
Winston Churchill

"Insanity is doing the same thing ...

How Much Storage?
  • 10/26/21 at 7:00 AM
  • Energy Policy,Climate Change
  • Ed Reid

The US electric grid was built around a combination of baseload, load following and peaking generating plants. The US nuclear generating fleet has been used primarily for baseload service because the plants were reliable, and their design ...

Incentives / Disincentives - ORIGINAL CONTENT
  • 9/13/22 at 7:00 AM
  • Energy Policy,Climate Change
  • Ed Reid

Society employs incentives and disincentives in numerous ways to influence the actions of various members of society. Sometimes these incentives and disincentives are soft and subtle, while at other times they are brutal and explicit.


Intermediate Replacement - ORIGINAL CONTENT
  • 7/26/22 at 7:00 AM
  • Energy Policy,Climate Change
  • Ed Reid

Replacement of conventional intermediate load generators with renewable generation plus storage is similar to, but not identical to, replacement of baseload generation. Intermediate load generators must be able to deliver their full ...

Lessons Learned? - ORIGINAL CONTENT
  • 3/21/23 at 7:00 AM
  • Energy Policy,Climate Change
  • Ed Reid

The past two years have provided unpleasant lessons for several electric utilities and their customers. The challenge remains for those utilities and the utility industry to learn from those lessons and take actions to prevent their ...

Modeling Challenge - ORIGINAL CONTENT
  • 4/26/22 at 7:00 AM
  • Climate Change
  • Ed Reid

Modeling has an uncertain reputation in climate science. However, the climate models are the purported underlying cause of the political concern regarding climate change and the “global” efforts to fundamentally change the ...

Net Zero Emergency Power - ORIGINAL CONTENT
  • 3/12/24 at 6:00 AM
  • Energy Policy,Climate Change
  • Ed Reid

Many electricity customers in all customer classes have fossil fueled emergency or standby generators which they use to power some or all of their electrical loads in the event of a grid power outage. For some commercial customers, such as ...

Reliability Roulette
  • 10/5/21 at 7:00 AM
  • Climate Change
  • Ed Reid

Service reliability has been a hallmark of the utility industry, which has made massive investments to assure reliable service. High reliability is important to the utilities’ customers and is demanded by utilities’ regulators. ...

Reluctant Realization - ORIGINAL CONTENT
  • 12/19/23 at 6:00 AM
  • Energy Policy,Climate Change
  • Ed Reid

The US federal government has set a goal of transitioning the US energy economy to a fossil-fuel-free, “all-electric everything” energy economy by 2050. This transition would require an approximate tripling of the US electricity...

Renewables Responsibility - ORIGINAL CONTENT
  • 2/13/24 at 6:00 AM
  • Energy Policy,Climate Change
  • Ed Reid

The renewable energy industry apparently believes that its responsibility in the proposed energy transition is take maximum advantage of federal and state subsidies, incentives, preferences and mandates by installing as much generating ...

Standby Generator Issues - ORIGINAL CONTENT
  • 9/27/22 at 7:00 AM
  • Energy Policy,Climate Change
  • Ed Reid

Intermittent renewable generation displaces a portion of the output of conventional coal and natural gas generators, but does not replace those generators. However, depending on intermittent renewable market penetration, the annual output ...

  • 2/27/23 at 7:00 AM
  • Energy Policy,Climate Change
  • Ed Reid

The US electric utility industry has historically sought to achieve “four nines” (99.99%) reliability of service. One key to achieving very high system reliability has been maintaining an approximate 20% capacity reserve margin ...

Utility Regrets (Large) - ORIGINAL CONTENT
  • 12/20/22 at 7:00 AM
  • Energy Policy,Climate Change
  • Ed Reid

The electric utility industry functions within the framework of federal, state and local legislation and regulation. The legislators and regulators are influenced by the renewable energy industry and by numerous environmental advocacy ...