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7/28/20 at 3:00 AM
- Climate Change
- Ed Reid
Zero-sum, positive-sum, and negative-sum are all game theory terms that refer to the outcomes of a dispute or negotiation. They refer to the actual amount of wealth (money, land, vacation time) -- measurable rewards -- that each party ...
11/24/20 at 3:00 AM
- Climate Change
- Ed Reid
The UN, the signatories to the UN FCCC, the parties to the Paris Accords, the administrators of the Green Climate Fund, the IPCC, the consensed climate science community, climate activists, developing nations, not-yet-developing nations, ...
7/18/17 at 5:58 AM
- Climate Change
- Ed Reid
Numerous US corporations have stated that they are committed to efforts to mitigate climate change. Many of these corporations encouraged President Trump to remain in the Paris Agreement, which would include maintaining / increasing funding...
2/4/20 at 6:00 AM
- Climate Change
- Ed Reid
Ambition a : an ardent desire for rank, fame, or power
(link) &...
7/3/18 at 9:35 AM
- Climate Change
- Ed Reid
The United States was on the “bleeding edge” of the end of colonialism in 1776. The US is the most successful of the ex-colonies, but has not attempted to use that success to become a colonial power. The US voluntarily ...
10/9/18 at 5:23 AM
- Climate Change
- Ed Reid
There are numerous interests attempting to influence the future course of the global response to climate change including the consensed climate change community, politicians, media outlets, non-government organizations (NGOs), allegedly ...
8/8/17 at 9:49 AM
- Climate Change
- Ed Reid
“Virtue Signaling refers to the public expression of an opinion on a given topic primarily for the purpose of displaying one’s moral superiority before a large audience to solicit their approval.”, Know Your Meme
8/29/17 at 6:33 AM
- Climate Change
- Ed Reid
The United States Congress passed legislation in 1990 (Public Law 101-106) and 1994 (Public Law 103-236) prohibiting funding for United Nations “specialized agencies” and “affiliated organizations”. This legislation ...
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