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1/16/18 at 6:15 AM
- Climate Change
- Ed Reid
Climate science peer review is the “walking dead”, kept walking by those who “killed” it in the first place. It was “killed” by those it was intended to serve, by their willingness to provide “pal&...
1/9/18 at 6:42 AM
- Climate Change
- Ed Reid
scientific method: principles and procedures for the systematic pursuit of knowledge involving the recognition and formulation of a problem, the collection of data through observation and experiment, and the formulation and testing of ...
6/19/18 at 7:17 AM
- Climate Change
- Ed Reid
One of the hallmarks of scientific research is the reproducibility of research results by other researchers. However, reproducibility is extremely difficult, if not impossible, if all of the data, all of the analytical approaches, all of ...
8/13/19 at 6:00 AM
- Climate Change
- Ed Reid
The members of the consensed climate science community are very quick to assert that the results of their research have been peer reviewed. However, the peers who have done the reviews are typically other members of the consensed climate ...
4/14/20 at 6:00 AM
- Climate Change
- Ed Reid
US EPA has revised its rules regarding the use of “secret science” in its rulemaking processes. The revised rule now gives preference to scientific studies for which underlying data and models are available in sufficient detail ...
10/2/18 at 5:57 AM
- Climate Change
- Ed Reid
Much has been written recently both in support of and in opposition to US EPA’s proposed secret science rule, which would require significant regulatory policy decisions to be based on publicly available data. Most of the support has ...
11/27/18 at 6:09 AM
- Climate Change
- Ed Reid
The consensed climate science community places great importance on the process of peer review and professes great confidence in its capability to validate its research methods and results and to enhance acceptance of those research methods ...
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