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1/3/19 at 5:48 AM
- Climate Change
- Ed Reid
There continue to be four fundamental climate science research priorities:
- accurate and comprehensive temperature measurements;
- accurate climate sensitivity determination;
- accurate feedback magnitude determination; and,
- a verified, ...
11/6/18 at 5:44 AM
- Climate Change
- Ed Reid
Elements of the consensed climate science community have recently acknowledged that the projections of future global average near-surface temperature anomalies produced by the CMIP5 ensemble of climate models are 2-3 times higher ...
7/7/20 at 3:00 AM
- Climate Change
- Ed Reid
Many members of the consensed climate science community refer to CO2 as the “control knob” of the climate. Some suggest that increased atmospheric CO2 concentrations resulting from human activities are solely responsible for the...
1/12/21 at 3:00 AM
- Climate Change
- Ed Reid
Numerous individuals and organizations, including Clintel and the Copenhagen Consensus Center, have calculated the potential effect of US CO2 emissions reductions on global average temperatures or temperature anomalies in the future. These ...
3/10/20 at 6:00 AM
- Climate Change
- Ed Reid
The sensitivity of the global climate to increasing atmospheric CO2 concentrations, specifically to a doubling of atmospheric CO2 from 270 to 540 ppm, is one of the most critical issues in climate science. Sensitivity in combination with ...
8/20/19 at 6:00 AM
- Climate Change
- Ed Reid
The UNFCCC, the consensed climate science community and the environmental community assert that the USA should assume the mantle of climate change leadership and prioritize CO2 emissions reductions and financial transfers to the UN Green ...
3/26/19 at 5:00 AM
- Climate Change
- Ed Reid
Recent research has provided greatly reduced estimates of climate sensitivity to increased atmospheric CO2 concentrations. This research suggests that a doubling of atmospheric CO2 concentrations, to 540 ppm, would result in an increase of ...
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