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Highlighted Article: Crossing (or not) the 1.5 and 2.0C thresholds
  • 2/12/22 at 7:00 AM
  • Climate Change


From: Climate Etc.

By: Judith Curry

Date: January 23, 2022


Crossing (or not) the 1.5 and 2.0C thresholds

The first rule of climate chess is this.  The board is bigger than we think, and includes more than ...

Highlighted Article: Cultural Motivations for Wind and Solar Renewables Deployment
  • 12/17/20 at 3:00 AM
  • Energy Policy,Climate Change

From: Climate Etc.

By: Andy West

Date: November 19, 2020


Cultural Motivations for Wind and Solar Renewables Deployment

“For me the question now is, now that we know that renewables can’t save the planet, are we ...

Highlighted Article: Dangerously Stupid Science: Solar Geoengineering
  • 4/8/21 at 3:00 AM
  • Climate Change


From: Watts Up With That

By: Jim Steele

Date: April 6, 2021


Dangerously Stupid Science: Solar Geoengineering


"A new report from the National Academies of Sciences recommended the United States pursue a ...

Highlighted Article: Digital Book Burning and the Degradation of Science
  • 1/6/22 at 7:00 AM


From: A Walk On The Natural Side

By: Jim Steele

Date: December 11, 2021


Digital Book Burning and the Degradation of Science

"Today i want to talk about how a small self-righteous group is trying to control what ...

Highlighted Article: Do We Really Have Only 12 Years to Live?
  • 2/27/20 at 6:00 AM
  • Climate Change


From: Watts Up With That?

By: Andy May

Date: February 23, 2020


Do We Really Have Only 12 Years to Live?


"Why have uninformed celebrities and politicians been telling everyone, who will listen, we are all ...

Highlighted Article: Does the Climate System Have a Preferred Average State? Chaos and the Forcing-Feedback Paradigm
  • 10/31/19 at 8:45 AM
  • Climate Change



From: Roy W. Spencer, Ph. D.


Does the Climate System Have a Preferred Average State? Chaos and the Forcing-Feedback Paradigm


"The UN IPCC scientists who write the reports which guide international ...

Highlighted Article: Dr Willie Soon Predicts Global Cooling, Slams Politicised Science
  • 8/26/21 at 3:00 AM
  • Climate Change


From: Watts Up With That

By: Eric Worrall

Date: July 28, 2021


Dr Willie Soon Predicts Global Cooling, Slams Politicised Science


"Dr. Willie Soon at his best, educating kids and adults at Camp Constitution ...

Highlighted Article: Extreme Fraud At NOAA
  • 9/9/21 at 5:00 AM
  • Climate Change


From: Real Climate Science

By: Tony Heller

Date: August 1, 2021


Extreme Fraud At NOAA


"NOAA’s Climate Extremes Index shows summer afternoon temperatures much above normal are affecting more and more of...

Highlighted Article: EXTREME WEATHER IN 2020
  • 6/3/21 at 3:00 AM
  • Climate Change


From: GWPF

By: Ralph Alexander

Date: April, 2021




Executive summary

"The most striking feature of weather extremes in 2020 was not the extremes themselves, but the use of socio-...

Highlighted Article: Fact-checking the Fact-checkers
  • 6/10/21 at 3:00 AM
  • Climate Change


From: CO2 Coalition

By: Gregory Wrightstone

Date: May 27, 2021


Fact-checking the Fact-checkers

"What Climate Feedback gets wrong in its attempted takedown of CO2 Coalition commentary

On Earth Day this year, the ...

Highlighted Article: Failed Climate Predictions
  • 5/20/21 at 3:00 AM
  • Climate Change


From: Watts Up With That

By: Rud Istvan

Date: April 26, 2021


Failed Climate Predictions

"I got to thinking about my now 10 years of occasionally contributed guest posts at WUWT and at Climate Etc. Lots of stuff ...

Highlighted Article: Falling Sea Level: The Critical Factor in 2016 Great Barrier Reef Bleaching!
  • 4/20/17 at 7:24 AM
  • Climate Change

This is a detailed paper on the 2016 bleaching of the Great Barrier Reef. It contradicts the wide spread supposition that global warming is responsible for the bleaching. Instead it details how the effects of extreme low tides because of El...

Highlighted Article: Faulty Premises = Poor Public Policy on Climate
  • 11/1/18 at 5:47 AM
  • Climate Change

From: Friends of Science Society


Faulty Premises = Poor Public Policy on Climate


Climate science is a complex blend of chaotic, dynamic systems. The recent Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) Summary Report 15...

Highlighted Article: Finding Fault in the Hockey Stick Podcast
  • 10/3/19 at 6:00 AM
  • Climate Change

From: The Heartland Daily Podcast

Guest: Dr. Ross McKittrick

Date: September 17, 2019


Finding Fault in the Hockey Stick Podcast


"Dr. Ross McKittrick of the University of Guelph, Canada, is a professor of economics ...

Highlighted Article: Four Questions on Climate Change
  • 5/24/18 at 9:05 AM
  • Climate Change

By: Garth Paltridge
for Climate Etc.   April 18, 2018

Four Questions on Climate Change

1) Is the science of climate change 'settled'?

2) What is the effect on climate science of public advocacy for the message of disastrous ...

Highlighted Article: Global Man-made CO2 Emissions 1965 – 2020: BP Data
  • 8/12/21 at 3:00 AM
  • Climate Change



From: edmhdotme

Date: June 26, 2021


Global Man-made CO2 Emissions 1965 – 2020: BP Data



Every summer BP publish their statistical review of world energy.

Highlighted Article: Global Warming is happening, what does it mean?
  • 7/1/21 at 3:00 AM
  • Climate Change


From: Watts Up With That

By: Andy May

Date: June 22, 2021


Global Warming is happening, what does it mean?


"The concepts and data used to make temperature and climate reconstructions, or estimates, are ...

Highlighted Article: Global Warming Quotes & Climate Change Quotes
  • 12/12/19 at 7:15 AM
  • Climate Change



From: C3 Headlines


Global Warming Quotes & Climate Change Quotes: Human-Caused Global Warming Advocates/Supporters

"Quotes by H.L. Mencken, famous columnist: "The whole aim of practical politics is to...

Highlighted Article: Good News! No Need to Have a Mental Breakdown Over 'Climate Collapse'
  • 4/25/19 at 6:00 AM
  • Climate Change



By: Ronald Bailey



Good News! No Need to Have a Mental Breakdown Over 'Climate Collapse'


"What if I told you there was a paper on climate change that was so uniquely ...

Highlighted Article: Greenhouse Gas Emissions - The Global Picture
  • 9/10/20 at 3:00 AM
  • Climate Change


From: The Global Warming Policy Foundation

By: Martin Livermore

Date: September, 2020


Greenhouse Gas Emissions - The Global Picture


The current round of international action on climate change mitigation is ...

Highlighted Article: Greening the planet and slouching towards Paris?
  • 5/21/20 at 6:00 AM
  • Climate Change


From: Climate Etc.

By: Patrick J. Michaels

Date: May 14, 2020


Greening the planet and slouching towards Paris?


"A new paper finds higher than expected CO2 fertilization inferred from leaf to global ...

Highlighted Article: Groupthink, Pal Review And The Climate Fraud
  • 1/21/21 at 3:00 AM
  • Climate Change


From: Climate Change Dispatch

By: Dr. John Happs

Date: January 14, 2021

Groupthink, Pal Review And The Climate Fraud


"A little over two decades ago, Dr. Irving Janis, professor of psychology at Yale University, ...

Highlighted Article: Heartland Institute Special Edition To The Green New Deal
  • 4/11/19 at 6:00 AM
  • Climate Change


From: The Heartland Institute

By: H. Sterling Burnett


Special Edition Devoted To The Green New Deal


"The much-hyped Green New Deal (GND) is being pushed by a rump group of progressive-socialists in the ...

Highlighted Article: Here is The Hidden $150 Trillion Agenda Behind The "Crusade" Against Climate Change
  • 10/21/21 at 7:00 AM
  • Climate Change


From: Zero Hedge

By: Tyler Durden

Date: October 14, 2021


Here is The Hidden $150 Trillion Agenda Behind The "Crusade" Against Climate Change


"We now live in a world, where bizarro headlines such as...

Highlighted Article: How science makes environmental controversies worse
  • 7/25/19 at 6:00 AM
  • Climate Change

From: Science Direct

By: Daniel Sarewitz


How science makes environmental controversies worse



I use the example of the 2000 US Presidential election to show that political controversies with technical ...

Highlighted Article: How the Green New Deal’s Renewable Energy Mining Would Harm Humans and the Environment
  • 4/23/20 at 6:00 AM
  • Climate Change


From: The Heartland Institue

By: Paul Driessen

Date: April 2020


How the Green New Deal’s Renewable Energy Mining Would Harm Humans and the Environment


Executive Summary


"The Green New Deal (...

Highlighted Article: How the UN’s climate change panel created a “scientific consensus” on global warming
  • 12/5/19 at 6:00 AM
  • Climate Change

From: Medium

By: Dr. Ronan Connolly

Date: September 23, 2019


How the UN’s climate change panel created a “scientific consensus” on global warming

"The UN’s Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (...

Highlighted Article: How to compare today to the past
  • 7/8/21 at 3:00 AM
  • Climate Change


From: Watts Up With That

By: Andy May

Date: June 22, 2021


How to compare today to the past

"In the last post, I discussed the problems comparing modern instrumental global or hemispheric average temperatures to the...

Highlighted Article: How we fool ourselves. Part II: Scientific consensus building
  • 4/29/21 at 3:00 AM
  • Climate Change


From: Climate Etc.

By: Judith Curry

Date: April 10, 2021


How we fool ourselves. Part II: Scientific consensus building

“Like a magnetic field that pulls iron filings into alignment, a powerful cultural belief is ...

Highlighted Article: Hurricanes and Climate Change
  • 4/4/19 at 6:00 AM
  • Climate Change


By: Judith Curry

A five part series from Climate Etc.

"This Report is easier than my Special Report on Sea Level and Climate Change.  Sea level and glaciers are very fast moving topics, whereas for hurricanes, the big ...

Highlighted Article: IEA’s Net Zero: Private to Socialist Investment (OPEC, Russia gift?)
  • 12/2/21 at 7:00 AM
  • Energy Policy,Climate Change


From: Master Resource

By: Robert Bradley Jr.

Date: November 11, 2021


IEA’s Net Zero: Private to Socialist Investment (OPEC, Russia gift?)


Introduction by Lucian Pugliaresi, President, Energy Policy Research...

  • 2/25/21 at 3:00 AM
  • Climate Change


From: GWPF

By: Indur M. Goklany

Date: February 2021




1. The standard narrative

The standard narrative regarding climate change, as represented by the quotes on ...

Highlighted Article: Interview: Climate Change – A Different Perspective with Judith Curry: Part II
  • 12/30/21 at 7:00 AM
  • Climate Change


From: Climate Etc.

By: Judith Curry

Date: December 4, 2021


Interview: Climate Change – A Different Perspective with Judith Curry: Part II

"My follow up interview on the Strong And Free podcast [link].

My ...

Highlighted Article: Intimidating the “Deniers” to Enforce the “Consensus”
  • 3/8/18 at 9:29 AM
  • Climate Change

By: Marc Morano

This is a bonus chapter that was not included in Marc Morano's book - The Politically Incorrect Guide to Climate Change.

Intimidating the “Deniers” to Enforce the “Consensus”


Highlighted Article: IPCC AR6: Breaking the hegemony of global climate models
  • 10/14/21 at 7:00 AM
  • Climate Change


From: Climate Etc.

By: Judith Curry

Date: October 6, 2021


IPCC AR6: Breaking the hegemony of global climate models


"A rather astonishing conclusion drawn from reading the fine print of the IPCC AR6 WG1 ...

Highlighted Article: Is the World Ready for Good News on Climate?
  • 2/19/22 at 7:00 AM
  • Climate Change


From: The Honest Broker Newsletter

By: Roger Pielke Jr.

Date: January 26, 2022


Is the World Ready for Good News on Climate?

"Come on a time travel trip with me and our new paper just out (me along with Matt Burgess...

Highlighted Article: Judith Curry - State of the Climate Debate
  • 6/14/18 at 8:20 AM
  • Climate Change

State of the Climate Debate

By: Judith Curry

  1. Cover
  2. Agreement / Disagreement
  3. Disagreement: Causes of climate change
  4. Elephant
  5. Disagreement: Cause of climate change
  6. Policy cart before scientific horse
  7. You find what you shine a light ...

Highlighted Article: Judith Curry Statement to the US House Committee On Natural Resources
  • 3/28/19 at 5:00 AM
  • Climate Change

By: Judith Curry



Hearing on Climate Change: The Impacts and the Need to Act

"... I am increasingly concerned that both the climate...

Highlighted Article: July 2019 Was Not the Warmest on Record
  • 8/15/19 at 8:53 AM
  • Climate Change


By: Roy W. Spencer, Ph. D.

Date: August 2, 2019


July 2019 Was Not the Warmest on Record


July 2019 was probably the 4th warmest of the last 41 years. Global “reanalysis” ...

Highlighted Article: Manufacturing Climate Deceptions
  • 11/5/20 at 3:00 AM
  • Climate Change



By: Dr. Jay Lehr, Terigi Ciccone

Date: October 27, 2020 & November 2, 2020


Manufacturing Climate Deceptions - Part One
Manufacturing Climate Deceptions - Part Two

"It is astonishing how ...

Highlighted Article: Marian Tupy: “Celebrate the Industrial Revolution and What Fueled It”
  • 1/31/19 at 6:39 AM
  • Climate Change


Marian Tupy: “Celebrate the Industrial Revolution and What Fueled It”


“The Industrial Revolution did not cause hunger, poverty and child ...

Highlighted Article: Media Promotes Badly Flawed Science Spreading It Like Wildfire
  • 12/16/21 at 7:00 AM
  • Climate Change


From: Watts Up With That

By: Jim Steele

Date: November 24, 2021


Media Promotes Badly Flawed Science Spreading It Like Wildfire



"The video examines the extensive scientific flaws and false ...

Highlighted Article: Memo to Biden
  • 7/30/20 at 3:00 AM
  • Energy Policy,Climate Change

Highlighted Article: Net-Zero Carbon Dioxide Emissions By 2050 Requires A New Nuclear Power Plant Every Day
  • 10/10/19 at 11:20 AM
  • Energy Policy,Climate Change

From: Forbes

By: Roger Pielke

Date: September 30, 2019


Net-Zero Carbon Dioxide Emissions By 2050 Requires A New Nuclear Power Plant Every Day


"More than a decade ago, Gwyn Prins and Steve Rayner characterized ...

Highlighted Article: New confirmation that climate models overstate atmospheric warming
  • 9/3/20 at 3:00 AM
  • Climate Change


From: Climate Etc.

By: Ross McKitrick

Date: August 13, 2020


New confirmation that climate models overstate atmospheric warming


"Two new peer-reviewed papers from independent teams confirm that climate ...

Highlighted Article: Obama Carbon Colonialism and Climate Corruption Continue
  • 8/16/18 at 6:06 AM
  • Climate Change


From: Townhall

By: Paul Driessen and David Wojick



  1. PART 1 - August 11, 2018
  2. PART 2 - August 13, 2018
  3. PART 3 - August 14, 2018


It’s obscene enough when the Multilateral anti-Development Banks do ...

Highlighted Article: On Behalf Of Environmentalists, I Apologize For The Climate Scare
  • 7/9/20 at 3:00 AM
  • Climate Change


By: Michael Shellenberger

Date: June 28, 2020


On Behalf Of Environmentalists, I Apologize For The Climate Scare

"On behalf of environmentalists everywhere, I would like to formally apologize for the climate scare we ...

Highlighted Article: On Cambridge University, post-modernism, climate change, Oppenheimer’s Razor, and the Re-Enlightenment
  • 3/12/20 at 6:00 AM
  • Climate Change


From: Watts Up With That?

By: Neil Lock

Date: February 29, 2020


On Cambridge University, post-modernism, climate change, Oppenheimer’s Razor, and the Re-Enlightenment


"In the early 1970s, I studied ...