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Satellites and Climate
  • 9/27/16 at 8:44 AM
  • Climate Change
  • Ed Reid

The near-surface instrumental temperature record began with the Central England Temperature (CET) record in 1659, which roughly coincided with the trough of the Little Ice Age. The application of temperature measuring instruments spread ...

Scientists Expose Major Problems With Climate Change Data - Highlighted Article
  • 4/4/24 at 6:00 AM
  • Climate Change


From: The Epoch Times

By: Alex Newman

Date: February 28, 2024

Scientists Expose Major Problems With Climate Change Data

‘Climate activism has become the new religion of the 21st century—heretics are not welcome and...

Sea Level Change
  • 8/9/16 at 9:40 AM
  • Climate Change
  • Ed Reid

One of the greatest climate change concerns expressed by low lying coastal and island nations is the threat which would result from rising sea levels, caused by a combination of thermal expansion and the melting of glacial and land ice. ...

Sea Level Graphs

The graph below plots global sea level over the past approximately 800,000 years. Note the cyclical nature of sea level over that period. Sea level ranges from a high of +11 meters to a low of -133 meters. The low levels are associated with...

Sea Level Rise “Settled Science”
  • 4/10/18 at 7:09 AM
  • Climate Change
  • Ed Reid

“There is a total absence of data supporting the notion of a present sea level rise; on the contrary all available facts indicate present sea level stability. On the centennial timescale, there was a +70 cm high level in the 16th and ...

Sea Surface Temperature (SST) Anomaly Accuracy
  • 9/17/19 at 6:00 AM
  • Climate Change
  • Ed Reid

NASA GISS recently issued a news release regarding the accuracy of their GISTEMP near-surface temperature anomaly product which is discussed here (GISSTEMP Accuracy). This raised questions about the accuracy of the sea surface temperature ...

Secret Science
  • 4/14/20 at 6:00 AM
  • Climate Change
  • Ed Reid

US EPA has revised its rules regarding the use of “secret science” in its rulemaking processes. The revised rule now gives preference to scientific studies for which underlying data and models are available in sufficient detail ...

Secret Science of Climate Change
  • 10/2/18 at 5:57 AM
  • Climate Change
  • Ed Reid

Much has been written recently both in support of and in opposition to US EPA’s proposed secret science rule, which would require significant regulatory policy decisions to be based on publicly available data. Most of the support has ...

Selective Analysis when Studying Climate Change
  • 9/18/18 at 5:47 AM
  • Climate Change
  • Ed Reid

The United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) and the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) are focused on anthropogenic CO2 and other “GHG” (greenhouse gas) emissions as the cause of recent ...

Sensitivity Revisited
  • 3/10/20 at 6:00 AM
  • Climate Change
  • Ed Reid

The sensitivity of the global climate to increasing atmospheric CO2 concentrations, specifically to a doubling of atmospheric CO2 from 270 to 540 ppm, is one of the most critical issues in climate science. Sensitivity in combination with ...

Separating Science from Pseudoscience for Floods and Extreme Precipitation - Highlighted Video
  • 3/24/22 at 7:00 AM
  • Climate Change

Seriousness of the Charge
  • 12/13/16 at 7:30 AM
  • Climate Change
  • Ed Reid

Precautionary Principle

“When the health of humans and the environment is at stake, it may not be necessary to wait for scientific certainty to take protective action.”

--Science and Environmental Health Network



Setting Utility Rates - Highlighted Article
  • 11/16/23 at 7:00 AM
  • Energy Policy,Climate Change


From: Watts Up With That

By: Kevin Kitty

Date: November 5, 2023

Setting Utility Rates

Until about a year ago, I thought about public utility regulation as too boring, too far outside my education, and unrelated to my ...

Shifty(?) Climate Sands
  • 10/27/20 at 3:00 AM
  • Energy Policy,Climate Change
  • Ed Reid

The Biden/Harris position on climate change has been shifting (shifty?) as their political campaign has “progressed” toward election day. The Green New Deal is one of the key issues on which the campaign has shifted with regard ...

Should Politicians Force Diversity at Universities?

By diversity I mean the intellectual kind. Numerous surveys (e.g., here and here) show that university faculties lean left, often far left in humanities departments.

A purely democratic argument says Yes, ...

Signal / Noise Ratio (Climate Change)
  • 4/28/20 at 6:00 AM
  • Climate Change
  • Ed Reid


“Signal-to-noise ratio (abbreviated SNR or S/N) is a measure used in science and engineering that compares the level of a desired signal to the level of background noise.”,


Previous ...

Signal / Noise Ratio (Extreme Weather)
  • 4/21/20 at 6:00 AM
  • Climate Change
  • Ed Reid

“Signal-to-noise ratio (abbreviated SNR or S/N) is a measure used in science and engineering that compares the level of a desired signal to the level of background noise.”,

In the previous ...

Signal / Noise Ratio (Sea Level)
  • 4/7/20 at 6:00 AM
  • Climate Change
  • Ed Reid

“Signal-to-noise ratio (abbreviated SNR or S/N) is a measure used in science and engineering that compares the level of a desired signal to the level of background noise.”,


Another of the ...

Signal / Noise Ratio (Temperature)
  • 3/31/20 at 6:00 AM
  • Climate Change
  • Ed Reid

“Signal-to-noise ratio (abbreviated SNR or S/N) is a measure used in science and engineering that compares the level of a desired signal to the level of background noise.”,


One of the primary ...

Silence of the Grid Experts - Highlighted Article
  • 5/18/23 at 7:00 AM
  • Energy Policy,Climate Change


From: Climate Etc.

By: Russ Schussler

Date: May 3, 2023

Silence of the Grid Experts

There are many reasons why grid experts within the electric utility industry have not spoken out when unrealistic “green” goals ...

Six Phases of a Project - ORIGINAL CONTENT
  • 7/25/23 at 7:00 AM
  • Energy Policy,Climate Change
  • Ed Reid

Six Phases of a Project

  1. Enthusiasm
  2. Disillusionment
  3. Panic
  4. Search for the guilty
  5. Punishment of the innocent
  6. Praise and honors for the non-participants

This “smart joke” apparently originated in computer science in the ...

Social Cost of Carbon
  • 11/2/21 at 7:00 AM
  • Climate Change
  • Ed Reid

The Social Cost of Carbon (SCC) is an estimate of the present value of the societal cost of the emission of one ton of carbon dioxide. The SCC is estimated using Integrated Assessment Models, none of which has been validated and verified. ...

Social Cost of Carbon - ORIGINAL CONTENT
  • 10/10/23 at 7:00 AM
  • Climate Change
  • Ed Reid

Social Cost of Carbon: The social cost of carbon (SCC) is an estimate, in dollars, of the economic damages that would result from emitting one additional ton of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere.

The SCC is a highly malleable and deeply ...

Social Cost of Mandates - ORIGINAL CONTENT
  • 6/13/23 at 7:00 AM
  • Energy Policy,Climate Change
  • Ed Reid

Broken Window Economics: an event that seems to be beneficial for those immediately involved can have negative economic consequences for many others.

The US and most countries have energy economies based on fossil fuels, plus contributions...

Social Cost of Preferences - ORIGINAL CONTENT
  • 6/20/23 at 7:00 AM
  • Energy Policy,Climate Change
  • Ed Reid

Preference :the act, fact, or principle of giving advantages to some over others
:priority in the right to demand and receive satisfaction of an obligation

The federal government, state governments and state utility regulators have ...

Social Cost of Subsidies - ORIGINAL CONTENT
  • 6/6/23 at 7:00 AM
  • Energy Policy,Climate Change
  • Ed Reid

Subsidy: a grant by a government to a private person or company to assist an enterprise deemed advantageous to the public.

The US federal government, several state governments and numerous local governments offer subsidies to assist ...

  • 7/30/24 at 6:00 AM
  • Energy Policy,Climate Change
  • Ed Reid

The energy transition currently being pursued by the current Administration imposes several types of societal costs, many of which are ignored.

The cessation of fossil fuel use would strand approximately $60 trillion of coal, oil and ...

Socrates Shrugged
  • 11/26/19 at 6:00 AM
  • Climate Change
  • Ed Reid

“When the debate is lost, slander becomes the tool of the losers.”,  Socrates

“If the facts are against you, argue the law. If the law is against you, argue the facts. If the law and the facts are against you, pound ...

Solar by the Numbers - ORIGINAL CONTENT
  • 3/8/22 at 7:00 AM
  • Energy Policy,Climate Change
  • Ed Reid

The Administration goal of a fossil free grid by 2035 would require that the renewable portion of grid energy supply be supported by additional renewable generation plus electricity storage. The hourly, daily, monthly and seasonal ...

Solar Capacity Factor - ORIGINAL CONTENT
  • 3/26/24 at 6:00 AM
  • Energy Policy,Climate Change
  • Ed Reid

The capacity factor of solar photovoltaic generation systems varies as a function of geography, season, time of day, weather conditions and solar collector type. The most common utility scale solar array consists of numerous parallel rows ...

Solving the Climate Crisis
  • 9/8/20 at 6:00 AM
  • Climate Change
  • Ed Reid

The US House of Representatives Select Committee on the Climate Crisis has released Solving the Climate Crisis, The Congressional Action Plan for a Clean Energy Economy and a Healthy, Resilient, and Just America, a majority staff report ...

Some Irreverent Independent Thoughts on Independence Day 2018
  • 7/3/18 at 9:35 AM
  • Climate Change
  • Ed Reid

The United States was on the “bleeding edge” of the end of colonialism in 1776. The US is the most successful of the ex-colonies, but has not attempted to use that success to become a colonial power. The US voluntarily ...

Specter of Climategate - ORIGINAL CONTENT
  • 8/1/23 at 7:00 AM
  • Climate Change
  • Ed Reid

Climategate was an ugly blot on the Climate Research Unit at the University of East Anglia, the consensed climate science community and the IPCC in which they participated. The release of a batch of e-mails among a number of climate ...

Standards of Evidence
  • 1/29/19 at 5:45 AM
  • Climate Change
  • Ed Reid

The Paris Accords call for the developed nations to provide $100 billion per year by 2020 to fund climate change “adaptation and mitigation” programs in the developing nations. The Accords also call for the developed nations to ...

Standby Generator Issues - ORIGINAL CONTENT
  • 9/27/22 at 7:00 AM
  • Energy Policy,Climate Change
  • Ed Reid

Intermittent renewable generation displaces a portion of the output of conventional coal and natural gas generators, but does not replace those generators. However, depending on intermittent renewable market penetration, the annual output ...

Stark Reality
  • 12/3/19 at 7:25 AM
  • Climate Change
  • Ed Reid

The focus of the UN-led initiatives regarding climate change has been almost exclusively on mitigation programs, although attention is now turning toward adaptation as well. This is a timely and welcome change, though mitigation is still ...

  • 11/3/20 at 3:00 AM
  • Climate Change
  • Ed Reid

Stasis : a state of static balance or equilibrium : stagnation – Merriam-Webster

All aspects of life on earth are subject to continual change. The changes are the result of numerous factors including: changes in the sun; changes in ...

Storage by the Numbers - ORIGINAL CONTENT
  • 3/15/22 at 7:00 AM
  • Energy Policy,Climate Change
  • Ed Reid

A reliable electric grid supplied predominantly or exclusively by intermittent renewable generators such as wind turbines and solar arrays would require massive energy storage to provide continuous power to the grid when the output of the ...

  • 6/18/24 at 6:00 AM
  • Energy Policy,Climate Change
  • Ed Reid

The two defining characteristics of electric grid-scale storage systems are the amount of power they can deliver continuously (MW, GW, TW) and the total amount of power they can deliver before they are depleted (MWh, GWh, TWh). For example,...

STUDY: 96% of U.S. Climate Data is Corrupted - Highlighted Article
  • 8/18/22 at 7:00 AM
  • Climate Change


From: Climate Realism

By: Heartland Institute

Date: July 27, 2022




Official NOAA temperature stations produce corrupted data due to purposeful placement in ...

Summer warming 1895-2023 in U.S. cities exaggerated by 100% from the urban heat island effect - Highlighted Article
  • 10/12/23 at 7:00 AM
  • Climate Change


From: Roy Spencer, Ph. D.

By: Roy W. Spencer, Ph. D.

Date: September 26, 2023

Summer warming 1895-2023 in U.S. cities exaggerated by 100% from the urban heat island effect

We are now getting close to finalizing our methodology...

Suspend Skepticism - ORIGINAL CONTENT
  • 5/10/22 at 7:00 AM
  • Climate Change
  • Ed Reid

Climate skeptics question assertions and projections which are not based on, or are in conflict with, observations and data. These are the common bases for skepticism regarding "adjusted” near-surface temperature measurements, &...

Tech Forcing Economics
  • 6/15/21 at 3:00 AM
  • Climate Change
  • Ed Reid

Technology forcing is a regulatory strategy that establishes currently unachievable and uneconomic performance standards to be met at some future point in time. ... Basically, technology forcing sets regulatory standards and provides...

Tech Forcing Risks
  • 6/22/21 at 3:00 AM
  • Climate Change
  • Ed Reid

Technology forcing is a regulatory strategy that establishes currently unachievable and uneconomic performance standards to be met at some future point in time. ... Basically, technology forcing sets regulatory standards and provides...

Technology Forcing
  • 5/25/21 at 3:00 AM
  • Energy Policy,Climate Change
  • Ed Reid

Technology forcing is a regulatory strategy that establishes currently unachievable and uneconomic performance standards to be met at some future point in time. ... Basically, technology forcing sets regulatory standards and provides...

Technology Forcing - ORIGINAL CONTENT
  • 6/27/23 at 7:00 AM
  • Energy Policy,Climate Change
  • Ed Reid

Government regulators periodically issue regulations which they are fully aware cannot be met with currently available technology; that is, the regulations force the development of the new technology needed to satisfy them within some ...

Technology Forcing – 2050
  • 6/1/21 at 3:00 AM
  • Energy Policy,Climate Change
  • Ed Reid

Technology forcing is a regulatory strategy that establishes currently unachievable and uneconomic performance standards to be met at some future point in time. ... Basically, technology forcing sets regulatory standards and provides...

Temperature and Anomalies
  • 10/17/17 at 6:24 AM
  • Climate Change
  • Ed Reid

Recently, there has been renewed discussion of absolute temperatures and temperature anomalies in climate science. This discussion is made more complex by the fact that “there is no universally accepted definition for Earth’s ...

Temperature Graphs
  • 3/30/21 at 11:23 AM
  • Climate Change
  • Ed Reid


The graph below shows proxy-based global annual temperature anomalies from proxies for the period approximately 800,000 years ago to the present. This graph shows the cyclical nature of global temperatures over the period. The ...

Temperature Measurement Bias
  • 7/31/18 at 7:56 AM
  • Climate Change
  • Ed Reid

The evolution of ambient temperature measurement technology has exposed several fundamental biases in the measurements taken to monitor changes in the climate. These biases must be quantified and compensated for to maintain the integrity of...