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Green New Deal

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Biden Climate Plan
  • 10/20/20 at 3:00 AM
  • Climate Change
  • Ed Reid

The Biden Climate Plan is very similar in scope and intent to the Democrat Climate Platform with one notable exception. The Democrat climate platform does not mention the Green New Deal, though the Biden Plan identifies it as a “...

Blue/Green New Deal #1
  • 5/19/20 at 6:00 AM
  • Climate Change
  • Ed Reid

A group of climate change activists and anti-capitalists has sent an “Open Letter and ...

Blue/Green New Deal #2
  • 5/26/20 at 6:00 AM
  • Climate Change
  • Ed Reid

This commentary and those that follow will analyze the programs in each policy proposal which...

Blue/Green New Deal #3
  • 6/2/20 at 6:00 AM
  • Climate Change
  • Ed Reid

This commentary and those that follow will analyze the programs in each policy proposal which...

Blue/Green New Deal #4
  • 6/9/20 at 6:00 AM
  • Climate Change
  • Ed Reid

This commentary and those that follow will analyze the programs in each policy proposal which...

Blue/Green New Deal #5
  • 6/16/20 at 6:00 AM
  • Climate Change
  • Ed Reid

This commentary and those that follow will analyze the programs in each policy proposal which...

Blue/Green New Deal #6
  • 6/23/20 at 6:00 AM
  • Climate Change
  • Ed Reid

Climate Politics - ORIGINAL CONTENT
  • 11/1/22 at 7:00 AM
  • Climate Change
  • Ed Reid

The whole aim of practical politics is to keep the populace alarmed (and hence clamorous to be led to safety) by menacing it with an endless series of hobgoblins, all of them imaginary. - H. L. Mencken

The UN and the governments of several...

Green New Deal - Deadweight Loss
  • 2/19/19 at 6:00 AM
  • Climate Change
  • Ed Reid

The Green New Deal would be the most extensive exercise in “Broken Window Economics” in the history of the globe. The “Green New Deal” would cause massive deadweight losses in virtually every sector of the US economy...

Green New Deal - Flights of Fancy
  • 2/21/19 at 6:00 AM
  • Climate Change
  • Ed Reid

One of the most perplexing aspects of the “Green New Deal” (GND) and one of its most difficult technical and economic challenges in the elimination of the need for air travel, since air travel without the use of fossil fuels ...

Green New Deal - High Speed Rail
  • 2/26/19 at 6:00 AM
  • Climate Change
  • Ed Reid

     The GND Line is a mighty good road

     The GND Line is the road to ride

     If you want to ride you gotta ride it like you find it

     Get your ...

Green New Deal - High Speed Rail #2
  • 2/28/19 at 7:00 AM
  • Climate Change
  • Ed Reid

A previous commentary discussed: the requirements for a high speed rail system; an approach to designing such a system; and, the US High Speed Rail Plan (HSRP) system design developed by the US High Speed Rail Association. The GND approach ...

Green New Deal and Buildings
  • 3/5/19 at 7:00 AM
  • Climate Change
  • Ed Reid

The principal energy efficiency thrust of the “Green New Deal” is "upgrading all existing buildings in the United States and building new buildings to achieve maximal energy efficiency, water efficiency, safety, ...

Green New Deal and the Road
  • 3/7/19 at 7:00 AM
  • Climate Change
  • Ed Reid

Transportation applications account for approximately 29% of US energy consumption annually. Approximately 60% of this total is motor gasoline for use by automobiles, light trucks and other small to medium engine applications. Approximately...

Green New Deal Summary
  • 3/12/19 at 6:00 AM
  • Climate Change
  • Ed Reid

This series of commentaries has evaluated various aspects of the “Green New Deal” (GND) focused on reducing US emissions of “greenhouse gases” to avoid a projected climate catastrophe.

High Anxiety
  • 7/16/19 at 6:00 AM
  • Climate Change
  • Ed Reid

Numerous factors are causing high anxiety in the climate science and environmental communities and among US politicians:

  • the current US Administration’s skepticism regarding climate change;
  • the impending 2020 elections in the US;
  • ...

Independence Day 2020
  • 7/2/20 at 6:00 AM
  • Climate Change
  • Ed Reid

The people of the United States cherish their hard-won liberty and freedom. They have recently been required to temporarily relinquish a degree of that liberty and freedom in the face of a global pandemic. They have reluctantly acquiesced ...

Not-So-Green New Deal
  • 2/14/19 at 11:05 AM
  • Climate Change
  • Ed Reid

The “Green New Deal” (GND) is the current fascination of the most liberal / progressive / socialist elements of our society and its elected representatives, as well as several declared candidates for President in 2020. The ...

Shifty(?) Climate Sands
  • 10/27/20 at 3:00 AM
  • Energy Policy,Climate Change
  • Ed Reid

The Biden/Harris position on climate change has been shifting (shifty?) as their political campaign has “progressed” toward election day. The Green New Deal is one of the key issues on which the campaign has shifted with regard ...

“Greenwashing” Socialism
  • 7/21/20 at 3:00 AM
  • Climate Change
  • Ed Reid

greenwashing: expressions of environmentalist concerns especially as a cover for products, policies, or activities – Merriam-Webster

socialism: any of various economic and political theories advocating collective or governmental ...