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Lessons Learned? - ORIGINAL CONTENT
  • 3/21/23 at 7:00 AM
  • Climate Change
  • Ed Reid

The past two years have provided unpleasant lessons for several electric utilities and their customers. The challenge remains for those utilities and the utility industry to learn from those lessons and take actions to prevent their ...

Level Playing Field - ORIGINAL CONTENT
  • 1/17/23 at 7:00 AM
  • Climate Change
  • Ed Reid

Wind and solar generation are intermittent forms of renewable generation. Wind generation functions only when wind velocity is above a minimum threshold and below a maximum threshold. Solar functions only during the daytime, and then only ...

Life after Climate Change - Highlighted Article
  • 4/6/23 at 7:00 AM
  • Climate Change


From: National Review

By: Bjorn Lomborg

Date: March 30, 2023

Life after Climate Change

Better than you think

The global discussion about climate change has become quite hysterical. Some 60 percent of people living in the rich...

Looking For The Official Party Line On Energy Storage - Highlighted Article
  • 12/29/22 at 7:00 AM
  • Climate Change


From: Manhattan Contrarian

By: Francis Menton

Date: December 8, 2022

Looking For The Official Party Line On Energy Storage

If you’ve read my energy storage report, or just the summaries of parts of it that have appeared ...

Media Visibility
  • 10/8/19 at 6:00 AM
  • Climate Change
  • Ed Reid

The journal Nature Communications recently published a study (Discrepancy in scientific authority and media visibility of climate change scientists and contrarians) conducted by researchers at the University of California Merced. The ...

Memo to President Trump
  • 11/13/18 at 5:39 AM
  • Climate Change
  • Ed Reid

Mr. President

Many share your reasonable and clearly articulated skepticism of the climate change “consensus” and the consensed climate change community, including many active climate scientists. Regrettably, among the reasons ...

Midwest Farming
  • 11/16/21 at 7:00 AM
  • Climate Change
  • Ed Reid

A major concern regarding climate change is its potential future impact on food production, resulting from increasing temperatures and changes in precipitation. Experiments can demonstrate the effects of varying temperatures and ...

Misinformation Commission
  • 2/23/21 at 3:00 AM
  • Climate Change
  • Ed Reid

The past several years have seen the appearance and proliferation of “fact checkers”, some of which are more like “fake checkers” driven by their founders positions on current issues. This evolved into organizations ...

Misperception and amplification of climate risk - Highlighted Article
  • 1/26/23 at 7:00 AM
  • Climate Change


From: Climate Etc.

By: Judith Curry

Date: December 13, 2022


Misperception and amplification of climate risk


“Something frightening poses a perceived risk. Something dangerous poses a real risk.” ...

Mitigation / Adaptation - ORIGINAL CONTENT
  • 12/6/22 at 7:00 AM
  • Climate Change
  • Ed Reid

The principal thrust of the UNFCCC and the IPCC has been on climate change mitigation through reductions in global annual emissions of CO2 and other ‘Green House Gases’ (GHGs). The focal point of their efforts has been keeping ...

Modeling Challenge - ORIGINAL CONTENT
  • 4/26/22 at 7:00 AM
  • Climate Change
  • Ed Reid

Modeling has an uncertain reputation in climate science. However, the climate models are the purported underlying cause of the political concern regarding climate change and the “global” efforts to fundamentally change the ...

Models and “Crises”
  • 6/30/20 at 6:00 AM
  • Climate Change
  • Ed Reid

Numerous professions develop and apply models to project how a process of interest to them might change in the future as the result of process maturation or the effects of external perturbations. The utility of these models is a function of...

Models, Myths, And Misinformation Undergird Climate Models And Energy Policy - Highlighted Article
  • 2/15/24 at 6:00 AM
  • Climate Change


From: Climate Change Dispatch

By: Paul Driessen

Date: January 26, 2024

Models, Myths, And Misinformation Undergird Climate Models And Energy Policy

It’s mystifying and terrifying that our lives, livelihoods, and living ...

More Anomalous Anomalies
  • 3/7/17 at 8:32 AM
  • Climate Change
  • Ed Reid

The three primary producers of global near-surface temperature anomalies, NASA GISS(Goddard Institute for Space Studies), NOAA NCEI(National Centers for Environmental Information) and HadCRUT all begin the process with access to the same ...

More Climate Issues 2019
  • 1/8/19 at 6:00 AM
  • Climate Change
  • Ed Reid

Climate Priorities 2019 focused on issues related to measurement and modeling of the earth’s climate: temperature measurement, climate sensitivity, forcings and feedbacks, and, model verification. These issues are a priority for 2019,...

My Energy Storage Report: Hydrogen As An Alternative To Batteries - Highlighted Article
  • 12/22/22 at 7:00 AM
  • Climate Change


From: Manhattan Contrarian

By: Francis Menton

Date: December 4, 2022


My Energy Storage Report: Hydrogen As An Alternative To Batteries


As mentioned in the last post, my new energy storage report, The Energy ...

Narratives and Coincidences
  • 10/18/16 at 7:34 AM
  • Climate Change
  • Ed Reid

Global temperatures began rising in 2014, leading ultimately to the proclamation of 2014 and later 2015 as the warmest years in the instrumental record. The narrative propounded by the consensed climate science community was that this ...

National Ambition
  • 2/4/20 at 6:00 AM
  • Climate Change
  • Ed Reid

Ambition             a : an ardent desire for rank, fame, or power

(link)                 &...

Natural Variability Exists
  • 6/13/17 at 7:50 AM
  • Climate Change
  • Ed Reid

The consensed climate science community attributes the approximately 1°C increase in global annual temperatures since 1880 to anthropogenic CO2 emissions; and, discounts the effects of natural climate variability. Great concern is ...

Natural Variation
  • 9/28/21 at 7:00 AM
  • Climate Change
  • Ed Reid

The earth has experienced roughly cyclical warming and cooling periods over at least the past 800,000 years, accompanied by roughly cyclical increases and decreases in atmospheric CO2. The positive temperature anomalies over this period ...

Natural vs. Unnatural Temperature Change
  • 3/20/18 at 6:44 AM
  • Climate Change
  • Ed Reid

The graph below shows the satellite lower troposphere temperature anomaly from inception through January 2018, as prepared by Drs. Roy Spencer and John Christy of the University of Alabama – Huntsville (UAH).

UAH Satellite-Based Temperature Graph

The graph has been ...

Nature Intervenes - ORIGINAL CONTENT
  • 10/24/23 at 7:00 AM
  • Climate Change
  • Ed Reid

Nature has intervened in the climate change narrative in a major way with the eruption of the Hunga-Tonga (HT) volcano on the South Pacific seabed. The eruption has experienced minimal exposure in the media because it did not result in ...

Navigating America’s net-zero frontier: A guide for business leaders - Highlighted Article
  • 5/19/22 at 7:00 AM
  • Climate Change


From: McKinsey Sustainability

By: Rory Clune, Laura Corb, Will Glazener, Kimberly Henderson, Dickon Pinner, and Daan Walter

Date: May 5, 2022

Navigating America’s net-zero frontier: A guide for business leaders

With the ...

Near-Surface Temperature
  • 4/16/19 at 6:00 AM
  • Climate Change
  • Ed Reid



Much has been written about the physical shortcomings of the near-surface temperature record, which include:


  • inadequate spatial coverage;
  • urban heat island effects;
  • sensor degradation;
  • enclosure degradation;
  • ...

Net Zero Averted Temperature Increase - Highlighted Article
  • 7/25/24 at 6:00 AM
  • Climate Change


From: CO2 Coalition

By: R. Lindzen, W. Happer, and W. A. van Wijngaarden

Date: June 11, 2024

Net Zero Averted Temperature Increase

June 2024

Many people are surprised by how little warming would be averted from adoption of ...

Net Zero CO2 Emissions: A Damaging and Totally Unnecessary Goal - Highlighted Articles
  • 6/6/24 at 6:00 AM
  • Climate Change

Net Zero Emergency Power - ORIGINAL CONTENT
  • 3/12/24 at 6:00 AM
  • Climate Change
  • Ed Reid

Many electricity customers in all customer classes have fossil fueled emergency or standby generators which they use to power some or all of their electrical loads in the event of a grid power outage. For some commercial customers, such as ...

Net Zero or Good Enough? - Highlighted Article
  • 3/2/23 at 7:00 AM
  • Climate Change


From: Climate Etc.

By: Russell Schussler and Roger Caiazza

Date: February 9, 2023

Net Zero or Good Enough?

This good enough plan may get you to net zero before the more ambitious ones.  It is likely to have less carbon ...

Net-Zero Targets: Sustainable Future or CO2 Obsession Driven Dead-end? - Highlighted Article
  • 11/30/23 at 6:00 AM
  • Climate Change


From: Climate Etc.

By: Balázs M. Fekete

Date: November 14, 2023


Net-Zero Targets: Sustainable Future or CO2 Obsession Driven Dead-end?

For over three decades, the reduction of CO2 emission was the primary ...

Net-Zero Targets: Sustainable Future or CO2 Obsession Driven Dead-end? - Highlighted Article
  • 12/21/23 at 6:00 AM
  • Climate Change


From: Climate Etc.

By: Balázs M. Fekete

Date: November 14, 2023


Net-Zero Targets: Sustainable Future or CO2 Obsession Driven Dead-end?

For over three decades, the reduction of CO2 emission was the primary ...

NETZERO is impeding progress on UN Sustainable Development Goals - Highlighted Article
  • 12/28/23 at 6:00 AM
  • Climate Change


From: Climate Etc.

By: Judith Curry

Date: December 5, 2023


NETZERO is impeding progress on UN Sustainable Development Goals


“Working in global energy and development, I often hear people say, 'Because ...

New Climate Reality is Passing New York By - Highlighted Article
  • 12/14/23 at 6:00 AM
  • Climate Change


From: Pragmatic Environmentalist of New York

By: Roger Caiazza

Date: October 1, 2023

New Climate Reality is Passing New York By


Note: For quite a while now I have put my Citizens Guide to the Climate Act article as the ...

New Report Highlights Green Failure in Europe and Warns America
  • 1/11/24 at 6:00 AM
  • Climate Change


From: Real Clear Wire

By: Rick Whitbeck

Date: January 4, 2024

New Report Highlights Green Failure in Europe and Warns America

As one digests Rupert Darwall’s latest report for the RealClear Foundation, the well-known ...

  • 4/16/24 at 6:00 AM
  • Climate Change
  • Ed Reid

In a summary of a recent peer-reviewed paper, the principal author stated that an electric grid predominantly powered by intermittent renewables such as wind and solar would require storage approximately equal to 25% of annual generation to...

  • 4/23/24 at 6:00 AM
  • Climate Change
  • Ed Reid

In a summary of a recent peer-reviewed paper, the principal author stated that an electric grid predominantly powered by intermittent renewables such as wind and solar would require storage approximately equal to 25% of annual generation to...

  • 4/4/23 at 7:00 AM
  • Climate Change
  • Ed Reid


The US Energy Information Administration Annual Energy Outlook 2022 does not reflect the Administration’s Net Zero by 2050 goal, as shown in the graph below. It also does not reflect the Administration’s “All-...

Not So Fast!
  • 10/11/16 at 8:14 AM
  • Climate Change
  • Ed Reid

In my commentary from September 6, 2016 “Climate Deniers”, I discussed some of the numerous efforts currently underway to silence and punish “Climate Change Deniers” (catastrophic anthropogenic climate change ...

  • 3/28/23 at 7:00 AM
  • Climate Change
  • Ed Reid

The Biden Administration has set a goal of achieving Net Zero US annual CO2 emissions by 2050. To accomplish this goal, the Administration has decreed that all coal-fired electric generation would cease by 2030; and, that all natural gas ...

Not-So-Green New Deal
  • 2/14/19 at 11:05 AM
  • Climate Change
  • Ed Reid

The “Green New Deal” (GND) is the current fascination of the most liberal / progressive / socialist elements of our society and its elected representatives, as well as several declared candidates for President in 2020. The ...

Not-so-subtle Influences – Search Engine Bias
  • 11/28/17 at 6:04 AM
  • Climate Change
  • Ed Reid

Google and other search engines are our modern-day paths to knowledge on an extremely broad range of subjects. However, at least on the topic of climate science and climate scientists, they are a not-so-subtly guided path toward information...

NPR and Climate Change
  • 6/18/19 at 6:00 AM
  • Climate Change
  • Ed Reid

NPR recently broadcast and published a piece entitled: “It’s 2050 And This Is How We Stopped Climate Change”. The approach they describe has 3 major elements.

  • Mass Electrification
  • Urbanization of Everything
  • Reduced ...

  • 8/4/20 at 3:00 AM
  • Climate Change
  • Ed Reid

DISCLAIMER: I am not an attorney and I did not sleep at a Holiday Inn Express last night.

Several California cities and counties filed nuisance lawsuits in state courts against major oil and gas companies based on their production and ...

Offshore Wind
  • 7/27/21 at 3:00 AM
  • Climate Change
  • Ed Reid

We begin by reviewing the measurement unit for electric demand and consumption.

1 Terawatt = 1 trillion watts
                = 1 billion kilowatts

Offshore Wind Project - ORIGINAL CONTENT
  • 6/7/22 at 7:00 AM
  • Climate Change
  • Ed Reid


Dominion Energy has proposed Coastal Virginia Offshore Wind (CVOW), the first large offshore wind project in the United States. CVOW would be a 2.6 GW wind farm consisting of 176 15 MW wind turbines, 3 offshore electric substations,...

Offshore Wind Woes - ORIGINAL CONTENT
  • 1/9/24 at 6:00 AM
  • Climate Change
  • Ed Reid

The year, 2023, was not a good year for the offshore wind industry, which has seemingly been beset by adversity on all sides.

Supply chain disruptions, largely resulting from the COVID pandemic and national efforts to deal with the ...

On-site Generation
  • 5/18/21 at 3:00 AM
  • Climate Change
  • Ed Reid

On-site power generation was common in the mid-20th century for large power users with the need for high reliability power supply. These users included industrial plants running continuous processes, plants with large steam consumption, and...

Opening the Kimono
  • 2/21/17 at 6:34 AM
  • Climate Change
  • Ed Reid

Steve Goreham, the author of the book Climatism! Science, Common Sense, and the 21st Century's Hottest Topic coined the term Climatism, which he defines as “the belief that man-made greenhouse gas emissions are destroying the ...

Optimum Climate
  • 2/27/18 at 6:07 AM
  • Climate Change
  • Ed Reid

The instrumental temperature record began with the Central England Temperature (CET) record in the mid-1600s. This period roughly coincides with the nadir of the Little Ice Age (LIA), which extended from approximately 1350 to approximately ...

Our Coming Energy Famine - Highlighted Article
  • 8/8/24 at 6:00 AM
  • Climate Change


From: National Review

By: Mario Loyola

Date: June 13, 2024

Our Coming Energy Famine

Economic change and Biden’s hostility to fossil fuels are setting up an electricity crisis
Most Americans are unaware of a grave danger ...